Saturday, December 5, 2009

1/2 way...

To my first weight loss goal, that is. I hit 15 lbs. this morning and feel great! With Thanksgiving and a very stressful November, it would have been easy to fall of the wagon but I stuck to it and am very proud of myself. When I get to 30 lbs., I'm going to get highlights. I'm ready for them now but they're so costly, I figured it'd give me something to work toward. I haven't had them done since before our wedding. My next mini-goal is to lose 4 lbs. before we go to Michigan on January 1st. I think it's totally attainable, even as holiday parties loom. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I wish you luck, I wish you joy, I wish you A bouncing baby boy!

Seachelle said...

Wonderful job, Missy! You are doing great!