Friday, April 18, 2008

Weight Watchers? What's that?

So, remember those 30 pounds I was talking about? Still here. I have no idea why it has been impossible for me to get and stay motivated. We are going to Jamaica three months from today. That's 12 weeks. I can lose, AT LEAST, 12 pounds in that time. I just MUST STAY MOTIVATED. The saddest part is that Mark is totally there and ready to do it but I'm the one who can't - a bit of a role reversal. As I'm sitting here typing this, I should be at my WW meeting. I've had a good couple of days though so I'm hoping to stay on this role. I drank a gallon of water today. That's a good thing. I also ate a cupcake. Not such a good thing. Like I said, though, I just need to stay on track. Wish me luck...

1 comment:

Yours Truly said...

As one of your partners in the neverending Battle of the Bulge, I can honestly say that I drank a gallon... of BEER, lol. Not so good! Even worse than a cupcake, yet the cupcake probably tasted so much better! LOL

Best of luck to you!