Friday, July 31, 2009

Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma Chameleon!

I really did expect to walk into the courthouse today to meet officers who would handcuff me and take me to jail since I failed to appear for jury duty. I was super anxious this morning and, of course, running late.

After parking and practically running to the doors, I found that they hadn't even opened yet. Score one for me. Then, when we were filing in, a woman leaned in and whispered "I thought we were going to get away with not coming at all." What? You mean to tell me that, though I totally forgot to call in, those people in my group who had been were not instructed to appear until this morning?!?! Score two for me. Then, after a two-hour orientation, our guide read a list of names of individuals who, while not done for the day, were able to take an extended lunch and report back at 1:30. Guess whose name was on it? That's right, yours truly!

So, I just woke up from a mini-nap and am gearing up for another "grueling" three hours in court. Wish me luck!


Kristi said...

So happy to hear we don't have to come bail you out - although it would have been a good excuse to be able to fly to LA :)

Anonymous said...

I would have come to bail you out...oh wait I am coming...12 days!

Seachelle said...

My first, and only, jury duty included: staying in a room full of a lot of people, getting called in the first small batch to go to the courtroom for the one case of the day, being one of the first four called to the jury box to get questioned and being the first one chosen for the case...Ugh...bad karma. Luckily, it was a one day trial. Hope your afternoon went well!