Thursday, July 30, 2009

What day is it again?

I've been on vacation now for, what, six whole days (including the weekend which, technically, really shouldn't count) and I have already seriously lost my inner sense of date and time. I have to check the calendar regularly just to remember what day is it. Incidentally, it is Thursday.

I made a pact with myself that I wasn't going to go to school at all this week to give myself a true break. What have I been doing instead? A whole lotta NOTHING. Well, I emptied six trash bags of clothes from our closets and donated them to the Salvation Army. I've re-watched two complete seasons of Dexter and am finishing up the third. I've started the book that Tabitha sent me for my birthday. I've been to a Dodgers game and taken Mark to the doctor. I've written thank you notes for my birthday gifts (they're in the mail). I've laid around. A lot. I've played with my Wii and left my car parked in the same spot for two whole days. I've been grocery shopping and am currently sitting up very straight so that the dye on my head doesn't drip down and color other parts of my body. I suppose it hasn't been too much nothing.

But I am now starting to find myself, after only six days off, bored. And ready to establish some sort of routine. Quote me on that come mid-October when IEPs are due and my CSULB classes are in full swing.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Good for you for doing a whole lot of nuttin!