Friday, December 4, 2009

Nothing Like the Christmas Spirit!

While driving around Downey running errands, King and I were enjoying the Christmas music on the radio, muddling through the words to Feliz Navidad, when I stopped at a four-way stop sign. I yielded to the car on my left and, when it was my turn to go, I started going straight. Just after I started into the intersection, the car to my right decided to go straight. I had to slam on my brakes, sending Kingy onto the floor in the backseat (poor guy). I had gone first and, obviously, had the right of way. But then someone honked at me. At ME! I didn't do anything wrong. So I looked over to the honker, on my left, and saw two guys gesturing and, presumably, yelling not-so-nice things at me. I pointed to the car that had gone in front of me, what the heck did the guys want me to do? And then, without pause, I lifted a certain finger that I rarely lift. Then moved forward and continued my Feliz Navidading. A minute later, I realized what had just transpired and found myself laughing at the entire situation. Merry Christmas dude in the red Toyota who decided to honk and yell at me, Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! I can see it so clearly in my mind and it cracks me up!