Thursday, March 27, 2008


On Thursday afternoons, my students practice their cursive writing. To make it a little more fun, I always play some kind of music. My co-teacher and I decided to start a fun music unit in which we review facts about different bands or artists before the kids start writing then play their music for the rest of class. Today was our first day and we covered The Beatles (of course). As I got class started, my co-teacher suggested that we pull out the video from my closet about the 60s. It's part of a set with each decade having its own tape. The videos were in my closet when I started teaching in the classroom last year although I haven't watched most of them. We figured that, since The Beatles were on the cover of the 60s video, they would be in it as well. We were right, of course. We fast forwarded through almost an hour of the National Geographic/History Channel type documentary to find them but we did, eventually, do so. They were on for about a minute before the documentary cut to images of the counter-culture of the 60s, including pot-smoking, naked girls!!!! IN MY CLASSROOM!!!! My co-teacher and I raced to the t.v. to shut it off but not before a pair of hippy boobs flashed my students! Whoops. One of my students, a 15 year-old boy with Down Syndrome, started fanning his face and asked to borrow the video! I almost immediately ran to the principal's office to give a full confession and, luckily for me, he found the whole ordeal as hilarious as my co-teacher and I did. Hopefully parents think it's funny too!


Kristi said...

too funny! I love the 'hippy boobs' reference!

Anonymous said...

I can just see you running now..
I guess you will have to preview all Videos now..
Can I barrow that video??

Aunt Robin

Anonymous said...
