Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wretched time of year

I know that I really shouldn't be complaining about having multiple weeks off every summer and I know that I'm truly, truly going to appreciate having summers off once we have babies. BUT, this time of year is always SO tough when it comes to weight loss, or even just weight control. I, of course, have put on a few pounds since summer school has let out. I know that some of it will naturally come off when school starts again, it always does. Mark has put on a few pounds this summer and we are now both to a point where we're ready to do something about it. He has been really encouraging me to go back to WW, since history shows that it works for me but I'm feeling really embarrassed to go back into the meetings heavier than ever. I know I'm probably not going to be the only repeat enrollee but I need to get past it and just do it. Chelle recently shared the best BMI and waist measurement that her doctor indicated are ideal for conception. My first goal will be to get my numbers below that level. From there, we shall see. Wish me luck!


Seachelle said...

I believe in you and know you can do it! You have my love and support.

Kristi said...

You are right -- there are plenty of people who join and rejoin and rejoin. Are you no longer taking those pills? No matter what method you try, I know you can do it!

Missy said...

No more pills for me. I'm trying to eliminate all really bad things - like alcohol, caffeine, etc. I figured the pills probably should be the first to go. They were a good temporary solution but, obviously, once you stop taking them, they no longer work!