Friday, May 2, 2008

Posting Fever

2 posts in a matter of minutes? I just have a few more things to share...

1: At this point in time, we have two dogs! The guy who dropped off his female golden went to Montenegro for the summer and won't be back until August. Before he left, Mark's dad asked him about the dog and he told him to keep it. They are currently sitting on the fence as to whether she can stay or not. But, she's been here so long already and the dogs have really bonded. We heard that she was kept in a crate at her last home and it shows. She was super-skiddish when she first moved in but she isn't so much anymore and she has even started sleeping in the house with us. She does bark a heck of a lot more than King does though and Mark's dad is hating that. Her name is Pookie but we're trying to think of something else to call her. She is a really sweet girl and both Mark and I are really hoping that a) she isn't pregnant and b) we can keep her.


2: I (heart) my Mini. Those of you who know the circumstances behind our acquisition of the car know that I was, to put it mildly, not TOO enthused to have the car, or more specifically, the car payment dropped in our lap. BUT, a couple of months later, I have really started to love driving it. It is, by far, the nicest car I've ever had and it's like being part of an exclusive club. Even in the owner's manual, it tells you to honk or wave to other Minis as you pass them on the street. Funny enough, it does happen.

3: How do I write, then add a pic and then write some more? I tried to do it with the above two pictures but, obviously, couldn't figure it out. Nevermind - Thanks Angela!

4: There are several people in my life whose are currently having major health problems. My dad, of course, is constantly in my thoughts. He's told me the name of what is going on with his hand but, from what I understand, it's an autoimmune problem that is causing him to lose functioning in his left hand. Doctors are trying to find a way to make it stop but it doesn't look like he'll ever regain the full use of his hand again. Tina, Mark's older sister, is back in the hospital. It's strange how common it has become and how normal it is to simply say, "Tina's back in the hospital." She is doing okay and I can never really explain what exactly put her there because I'm never clear myself. She is on mega-doses of medications because of her kidney transplant and her immune system is very weak. Even a simple stomach flu lands her back in the hospital. Nosh, Mark's dad, had surgery last week to fix a corroded artery and to prevent stroke. He looked like he had a zipper on the side of his face but he is recovering now - just moving very slowly around the house. The last person who I'm thinking about tonight is Mark's best friend's little sister, Tara, she is younger than I am and was recently released from the hospital and is now in hospice care with 10% of liver functioning. She's been sick for awhile but things have recently taken a drastic turn for the worse. I'm thinking about her, her mom, and Darin too. What a hard thing for a family to go through.


Yours Truly said...


When you post a pic, it should put the html stuff in your blog for the picture (it'll be a bunch of stuff like < align >;center;photofile.. blah blah). copy and paste it to where you want the photo to sit in the blog... that should help alieviate the problem. I don't know if there is a more "formal" way of going about it, but that's how I do it.

Kristi told me about your dad. He's been in my prayers.


Kristi said...

I love the mini! Are you going to miss the Jeep?

Everyone is in my thoughts and prayers! Keep me updated on everyone!