Sunday, November 30, 2008

A New Plan of Action

I was brave and attended my WW meeting on Saturday, a mere 40 hours after our Thanksgiving feast. While I'm not proud of the results I saw on the scale, I have decided to change up my plan this week. I'm going to try the "core" plan as opposed to the points-counting "flex" plan. Wish me luck. With this plan, I can eat as much as I want until I'm satisfied but I can only eat foods from a designated list. The list seems similar to the Zone diet as it comprises of foods from all of the food groups but it is limited with regard to the ever-villainous carbs. I went shopping this morning and feel good about it so far. I do think I'll go back to the points system after this week but hopefully I'll see some results and I'll be able to kick myself back into action.


Seachelle said...

I am sending lots of weight loss thoughts your way. I know you will do well.

wedbliss5 said...

I'm wishing you the best of luck - you've done it before with amazing results so I know you can do it again, just find that motivation you need!

Or - do what I'm doing and give up all dairy products (no don't, it really sucks but I have a feeling it will work).

If there is any way I can help you or encourage you, let me know! You can do it!

Miss you guys bunches!!!