Saturday, December 6, 2008

Weekly Weigh In

I was very excited to weigh in today since I had tried a new version of WW this past week. When I stepped on the scale, I had lost (drumroll please)...5.4 lbs!!! Wow, what a week! And I feel like I didn't have to really try too hard to do it. I had a slice of pizza one night and a couple caesar salads with regular dressing throughout the week. I definitely enjoyed the core plan and am excited to try it again this week!

My total weight loss, however, is only 4.6 lbs as I had lost and gained so much that I was heavier last week than I was when I started. But, I'm back on track and ready to commit to the program.


Seachelle said...

Yay!!! I'm so proud of you!

Kristi said...

Great job Miss!! Glad you found something that is working