Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Illegal Blogging!

I am SO at work right now but it's a time of day called SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) and the whole school is to be reading for 15-20 minutes. This is when I check up on everyone's blogs! Hey, that's reading! :) I haven't written anything in awhile and I intend to do so soon. A quick run down of the last several days: my softball team won despite my first strike out fo the season, I gained weight last week (talk about yo-yo!) but feel that I'm doing really well so far this week, Mark's 32nd birthday was great! (filled with delicious dinner and homemade cake and fun at Oktoberfest), I'm working on the 2nd IEP of the week... Well, there's the timer. Suppose I should actually work right now, that IS why I get paid the big bucks! ;)

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