Saturday, October 11, 2008

Whew! What a week...

Last Sunday's to do list included the following:
-Midterm exam on Tuesday night (that's the biggest stresser at this point)
-Final research project outline due on Wednesday night
-Readings for Wednesday night
-Department Chair meeting on Monday after school
-Start the 5 IEPs due this month at work
-Pay October's bills
-End the week with a departmental happy hour on Friday afternoon

Progress so far:
-I think I did pretty well on my midterm. After studying all weekend, Mark quizzed me and was really amazed at my brilliance! :) He said his brain hurt after we were done.
-Research project outline done. I realized it wasn't graded but merely to give my professor an idea of what I will be working on so I did my best with hopes of feedback from him.
-Yeah, my readings didn't get done. We did, however, have a quickwrite in class which meant that I was supposed to cite authors and their opinions in response to a question when given only 20 minutes. Luckily, before the quickwrite, we got into groups to discuss the readings pretty thoroughly. I think I did okay considering I didn't read a thing for class! Bad, Melissa.
-No sweat for the department chair meeting, just an hour out of my day.
-Started my IEPs Individualized Educational Programs - each student in special ed. has one - they average about 12 pages each and include all the goals for the next year, we have to meet annually to discuss progress. I think 5 in one month is the most I've ever had to complete! The meetings all start on Tuesday. I have a meeting on the 14, 16, 21, 23, and 28!
-October bills are paid.
-Happy hour was enjoyed and very much needed.

On top of my anticipated list of things to deal with, some other highlights of my week include a fire drill at school (kids with Autism HATE fire drills), the most disgusting bloody nose I've ever had to deal with (let's just say that that kid did some serious digging for gold!), a City of Cerritos (where my school is at) Council meeting in support of a motion to increase funding for adaptive programs in the city (it passed!), and FINALLY receiving a compliment from a parent who has spent the last 3 years telling me what I'm doing wrong and exactly how I should be teaching her son.

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